Freedom and Virtue -The Podcast
The official podcast of The Freedom & Virtue Institute. A place for those interested in ideas and who are committed to the advancement of a society that believes in human dignity and individual freedom. Host, Ismael Hernandez is the founder of the The Freedom and Virtue Institute and author of the book, Not Tragically Colored.
Podcasting since 2020 • 47 episodes
Freedom and Virtue -The Podcast
Latest Episodes
Munificence: The Virtue of the Wealthy
Traditionally understood as a virtue peculiar to the wealthy, munificence—the expenditure of great sums to accomplish great works for the common good—may actually apply to all of us. Originally published as a commentary at the

Orestes Brownson on Government
Freedom and Virtue Tradition, episode 15: Excerpts from The American Republic by Orestes Brownson. The American Republic at Project Gut...

Chrysostom on Wealth and Poverty
Freedom and Virtue Tradition, episode 14: Passages from St. John Chrysostom's Four Discourses, Chiefly on the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.